Friday, April 15, 2011

Smoking causes breast cancer

Smoking also causes breast cancer

The smoke is a major Case of cancer the world’s population, and we learn now, even the most common female cancer: cancer Breast. Particularly dangerous when it affects childbearing age, this neoplasia however, increases significantly the incidence in women menopause and even if early diagnosis and care more effective and targeted unable to get the better of this dreaded killer, yet the prevention remains the best way to counter the insurgency. Among the factors that can “facilitate” the development of Breast cancer in menopause, there is just the smoke, so far accused of other forms of cancer such as the lungs.

Instead, a new U.S. study conducted by monitoring, for about 9 years, 78,990 patients 40 different clinical centers throughout the U.S., aged between 50 and 77 years, showed that the smokers had 16% more likely to get breast cancer. A percentage is a bit ‘lower (10%), for ex-smokers. In addition, the probability increases with the years in which this vice is practiced daily. In short, a woman who has smoked continuously from 20 years up until menopause, without stopping even in this period of life, opens the way for cancer to a greater extent than people; the cigarettes chose to do without.

Unfortunately, even the ETS fall into this research because it was discovered that exposure of girls pediatric (9 years) and then into adulthood (21years), affects a small percentage on development breast cancer. What most is disconcerting, however, that emerges from this survey plan, is that a smoker out of every five patients is being treated for cancer, but strongly recommended to persevere, persevere anyway. Not even the know insist that the “blonde” may compromise the proper conduct of therapies and facilitate the onset of recurrence, Managed to get the better of the harmful habit.

Yet, how many are feeling about the dangers of tar and nicotine, and what would be needed to ensure a long and healthy life, do not start at all or stop in time? I appeal to many girls who smoke (increasingly, even in Italy), do not shrug, do not pretend anything because you are so good and you are young, smoking does to the long and silently, then, quitting is the best policy of insurance .

"Results from the present study suggest that the initiation of smoking before menopause and particularly before the first birth was most strongly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer...Smoking after menopause was positively associated with a slightly decreased breast cancer risk.  This difference suggests an antiestrogenic effect of smoking among postmenopausal women that may further reduce their already low endogenous (internal) estrogen levels."

So while this research is important and well done, no one should take any comfort that smoking can decrease the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women anymore than they can grab onto the findings that smoking increases the risk of breast cancer in premenopausal women.The message remains the same today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow and for years to come: smoking is just plain bad for your health, no ifs and or butts.


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