Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Life Insurance Benefit

Life Insurance Benefit
Life insurance is a major investment that will provide the necessary financial support to your family in case of death. Life insurance can help to settle any outstanding debts such as mortgages or credit card bills. Life insurance can also help to fund your children"s educational needs. Since there are many different life insurance policies available it is important to understand what each one offers. 

With investment-type life insurance you have to pay a monthly payment. Certain policies will only pay out once the person has died. Still other policies pay on a date that the individual chooses or when that person dies. The type of policy that pays out when a person dies is called whole of life insurance.
Other policies that pay out when a person dies, but also if they don"t are called; with-profits bonds, unit-linked bonds, income and growth bonds, endowment policies and maximum investment plans. In comparison to traditional investments, investment type life insurance can be very costly. Term insurance is a less expensive way of giving protection for your loved ones if you die. Generally the monthly payments are a lot less with term insurance. 

Whatever insurance type you opt for it is worth taking time to learn and compare policies before making a decision. Look for a policy that fulfils your needs, is in your price range, has flexibility and has the right type of terms. Insurance companies or brokers that sell life insurance have to follow FSA legislation. The FSA states that certain ‘Keyfacts’ and ‘key features’ must be given to support your search for the right kind of life insurance. The FSA states that certain documents must be given from each insurance company stating; the service offered and the main features of the insurance policies.
There are two main categories of life insurance. These come under the titles of term and permanent. Under each category there are many different kinds of policy. Level Term is a set amount of coverage with premiums that are set over a particular time period, this is commonly in 10 year increments. Increasing/Decreasing Term where the amount of coverage increases or decreased throughout the time period, it is common place for premiums to stay at the same level. 

Renewable Term has a renewable provision that provides the policyperson with the rights to renew the insurance coverage at the end of the set time period without having the need to send evidence of insurance. Convertible Term provides the policyholder with the right to change the term policy to a more permanent policy. Group Term policies are the kind of insurance that is purchased usually by an employer or other professional organisation. They are typically intended to cover several individuals which usually reduces the premiums.
Permanent Insurance is the type of life insurance that includes coverage throughout the lifetime of the insured. This type of insurance typically contains an element that helps to build cash value. Indexed Universal Life is the type of permanent life insurance that is flexible enough to include the premium and death benefit. The flexibility of this policy ensures that the present crediting rate is tied with the overall financial index performance. The majority of policies provide guarantees that if the index is negative, the crediting rate will not go under zero. 

Insurance policies can cover nearly anything that is imaginable, but there are only a few ones that are actually necessary. Life insurance policy is a very important insurance that will provide for your loved one once you die. Getting the right type of life insurance policy to suit your needs can bring reassurance that if you should die then your loved ones will be provided benifit.


Andrea said...

I am very confused between the various options of life insurance policy. Your post is a true guide to learn all about life insurance policy and its various benefits. Thanks a lot for posting this useful info.
company insurance

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